Monday, February 21, 2011

22 Grams of Protein

I am trying to refine my diet to achieve ideal weight but the goal of 160 pounds continues to elude me.
My shirt size has gone from XL to M.
My waist size has dropped.
I feel good but would like more mass and 18 pounds less fat.
So what is the right amount of protein intake per day?
Most of the formulas would suggest 105 to 145 grams of protein a day for someone exercising at my intensity level.
Until you try you would be surprised at how hard it is to eat 130 grams of protein a day without a lot of protein shakes and those don't satisfy the need to chew.
Then someone put me onto Greek Yogurt, still not really chewable, but with a thicker consistency.
I found one with 15 grams of protein per serving until a friend told me about a Greek Yogurt with 22 grams of protein per serving.
It is expensive but it tastes good and goes great with whole grain granola.
Cottage Cheese has 15 grams of protein per serving, the addition of fish 4 oz. (22 grams of protein), chicken or turkey 4 oz. (19 to 20 grams of protein) rounds out the daily intake along with a protein bar that supplies 31 grams of protein------- protein intake 90 grams plus a 40 gram protein shake, a grand total of 130 grams of protein per day.
80 oz. of water, a large dose of fiber along with fruits and vegetables still leaves me trying to figure out how to lose the next 18 pounds.
If only Red Wine was high in protein and boosted metabolism, then life would be grand.
It probably was and did in the Garden Of Eden but that is a whole other story.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Once Upon A Time In Mexico

The last two weeks were spent in Mexico.
I love Mexico, especially the Baja Peninsula.
The weather in February is spectacular.
The Bay of Cortez is filled with Gray Whales and Humpbacks.
The catch of the day can be Tuna, Dorrado, Mahi Mahi, Snapper, etc.
The sun shines every day.
The sunsets literally take your breath away.
A full Moon in the Baja screams love and dancing the slow songs.
The desert while arid has a beauty all it's own.
The Mexicans are truly the best artisans I have ever witnessed.
The stone work, tile work, architecture, pottery and art are incredible.
I really believe I could get lost in the Baja and stay forever.
Here is the rub.
I need to exercise, I need my endorphins.
I guess I could lift rocks and run hundreds of miles but in the end I love the gym.
The resort, Fiesta Americana, has a gorgeous gym, weights, treadmills, ellipticals, machines, mats and all sorts of equipment.
The one thing they don't have is Sparta.
It takes a "wicked person" pushing you beyond your limits to make progress.
But in the end it is a personal issue to succeed, so do 15 Intervals, run 9 miles and hour for 2 minutes and then walk three miles and hour for one minute and repeat the sequence 15 times.
That will begin a good sweat.
Next go to the free weights and push yourself to do the most weight you have ever done without crushing your skull.
Then drink 15 gallons of water and skip all Margaritas for the week and get ready to re-insert into regular life------------
but wait--------anybody willing to get lost in the Baja,
Give me a call, maybe it can be arranged for the rest of our lives.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

It Was a Good Birthday

The message was on the phone.
"Can you train at 8:30 in the morning"?
Sure, I text back.
I show up, "What are we doing today"?
"Sounds good".
The next half hour tests every idea I had about arm strength.
Lots of reps, standing, seated, on the incline and finally the 70 pound bar with repeated curls, this at the end of the session.
I finally get a good solid 10 reps which ends training but means it is time to go play in Boot Camp.
Sparta announces my birthday and my age 64, so the first thing we are going to do is 64 squats.
"Why can't you be 21"?, someone says.
I would if I could.
Boot Camp is big, 30 plus people, the pace rapid and the exercises intense, multiple push ups, squats, runs, hit the mitts, hit the heavy bag and so on.
Toward the end I am laughing because it is the only thing I can do without hurting.
The final challenge, 64 throw downs.
Then on to the weigh in, the final insult, I have gained 1.4 pounds and assured my team of last place again.
I can't wait to be 65.