Sunday, August 29, 2010

Bon Jour Mon Ami

Just finished my first workout in nine days; not too many gyms in rural France or even opportunities during the day to use the one in town.
Busy days and evenings visiting old friends, playing with grandchildren, seeing the sights, eating and eating and eating.
A lot of walking, helpful, but not as complete an exercise as needed.
Main issue, stiff muscles, unwilling joints after 10 days away.
I have lost some ground that will prove hard to win back; seems age,sedentary behaviors always get the high ground in the battle for fitness.
All soldiers know how difficult the uphill fight.
The trip, Dinard, France, to attend the christening of our grandaughter plus a chance to see old friends and re-visit a beautiful area of the world.
Our flat, above a French Bakery and small market.
The aroma of baking bread, the only alarm required each morning.
Breakfast; Baguettes, Melon, Peaches, real butter, Quiche Lorraine, Tarte de Fromage, "Where are the Branched Chain Amino Acids, the Glutamine"?
Lunch; Country Pàte, Mussels, Clams, Grilled Mackeral, Cheeses (Fromage),more Bread, Wine, "Where are the Protein Bars, Shakes, veggies"?
Dinner; Lamb chops, Roasted Chicken (Swimming in Butter), More Fromage, Pom Frittes (French Fries), more bread, more butter, and then the Cakes and Tarts, Triple layered Chocolate Mousse Cake, Raspberry tarts, little cookies (Macarons) filled with creme, "Where are the meals of lettuce, boiled or baked chicken, tuna fish with salsa, beets, Brussels Sprouts"?
Gallons of Red wine, Bordeauxs, Rose', Champange, Pastice with water. "Where is the Iced Tea, Ice Water"?
Finally to end each day; Lipitor, Aspirin and Fish Oil Capsules.
It was a good trip, the food, the sights but especially the people.
Unfortunately it is time to return to reality.
Life generally isn't lived above a French Bakery.
Dinard, an enchanting French Village on the sea, featured in the movie The Birds by Alfred Hitchcock.
A large statue of Alfred graces the beach, the birds treat it like a private hydrant, the village struggles to keep him clean, a reminder that my diet and exercise have been far from clean.
Looks like I like Alfred need to get clean yet once again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds wonderful.. that is why you work so hard at the gym. You deserve every minute of it. Life is wonderful moments with your family and friends. Cherish each one of them. Ammo!