Friday, July 29, 2011

Now we know why some animals eat their own children

An open letter to the Executive and Legislative Branch of the US Government:

Ladies, Gentlemen, I use the terms loosely, it is time to go home.
You really have no authority to lead this great “wounded” country.
You are damaging it daily and failing to even recognize the harm you are inflicting.
This country was founded by great men who would find you, the "supposed leadership", to be traitors to the ideal and purpose of this country.
Therefore you must resign, leave and allow more rational people to take on the mantle of leadership.
This country was founded to allow all men and women an equal chance to worship and find happiness.
It was founded to allow anyone, who was willing, to work and risk all for success.
It was not founded to let government be all things for all people.
It was not set up as a socialist state, a monarchy or a government over the people but a government by the people, a Democracy.
The states were invested with the power.
The founding fathers warned of the dangers of big government and tried to set it up so that limited government would be the future of the federal government.
Today the politicians are more interested in self-preservation than country.
Today the politicians are more interested in their own return to Washington than any constituency or the country in general.
The two party system is most interested in preserving it’s own life and is sucking the life out of America.
Political correctness and legislative stupidity is sending businesses, jobs and wealth overseas.
Today the business of government has become growing more government.
It has failed and is failing the populace of this country.
You are not leaders and possibly not even bad people but you are certainly misguided and wrong principled.
Our next wars should be a War on Debt, a War on the Failure of The American Educational System, a War on Big and Bad Government, a War on Ignorance and Apathy and Finally a War of Innovation and Creativity.
It would be better for all of you to return to your homes and let real leadership restore the faith in and purpose of America.

Let us then turn this government back into the channel in which the framers of the Constitution originally placed it.
--July 10, 1858 Speech at Chicago, Abraham Lincoln

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