Thursday, January 29, 2009

Just another day

I am sixty-two today.
I could actually start drawing social security.
That is scary.
Today, I have eaten one bowl of oatmeal, one scrambled egg and about 12 carrot sticks
Everyone at work says, “Go out for a nice dinner on your birthday”.
Unfortunately Thursday is also training night.
Thursday is the next day after Wednesday and it is a training day.
It may also be a birthday but I am going to training.
Birthdays are for little people and younger people intent on getting older.
Young people believe that getting older is the fastest way to everything.
I can honestly say that once you get to older, the ability to achieve anything frequently takes everything.
So I will go to training.
Training is rewarding. You can feel it for days but the effects can last years.
So Thursday is my birthday but it is my training day.
So I will go to training.
I will celebrate another year passing with as many circuits as I can do in one hour.
I will celebrate my training day by ignoring my birthday.
In reality every training day is really just a reverse birthday.
At the end of each training day I can feel the added days accumulating.


Anonymous said...

Sorry I missed telling you Happy Birthday! After a month of "synthesis" how have you changed? Do you find your endurance getting longer, your abs firming, your pain diminishing, and a little skip in your steps?

Keep up the good work. Do you REALLY do 50 push-ups? LOL

Anonymous said...

I am healthier since doing "synthesis". My endurance is better. Abs are better and best of all the chronic back pain is totally gone.
And on some days I actually can and do 50 pushups.