Thursday, October 7, 2010

What Has Happened

I was overweight; I loved great food and cherished great music, Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Vivaldi, etc.
I would sit for hours listening to the sounds of these great composers while digesting a six thousand calorie meal.
Then I met "The Sparta" a modern day Spartan Queen.
The first recording I heard and thought was “catchy” was a tune by the group, Disturbed.
The lyrics, as I understood them, went on and on about a “sick monkey”.
I asked the group about this and was met with derisive laughter; it seems the lyric was actually closer to “down wid da sickness” and had nothing to do with a monkey but a deranged individual attacking his maternal upbringing.
I found that this music actually helped me exercise.
Next I heard a rhapsodic melody by one, Buck Cherry, not Chuck Berry but truly Buck Cherry.
Buck it seems was deeply in love with this young lady and just had to tell the world about their escapades and limbic energies.
Again this music not only helped me exercise but drove me to exercise well beyond my preconceived limits.
On and on I was introduced to new songs, thrusting me to new levels of caloric expenditure and just like Pavlov dogs, the minute I heard a song with a great beat, I would try to get 50 more push-ups or attempt more weight on the bench.
It seems just like plants, muscles and energy, brain-derived, respond to a primal beat that goes back beyond the written record.
I have expanded my listening tastes to Nelly, Nickelback, Nikki Nana and many others.
I no longer listen to the classics except for those times I attend the Symphony (I don’t think they will be playing Buck Cherry any time soon) or find myself relaxing to NPR in the evening but in the car the volume is on max, the tunes, they are heavy, like the weights I am trying to master.
So be careful, if you inhabit a gym for a prolonged period of time, your brain and body will seek to rock to the beat of the different drummer.


Anonymous said...

I love it! So very absolutely hit the nail on the head.

Anonymous said...

Try out Lady Gaga, and I love all Nickleback! Plus, on the last test I gave, we were covering the cell, my extra credit question was about telomeres. Glad your are keeping yours strong and long :-) Love you dad. Katrina