Monday, December 20, 2010

The Real Gift, You Get To Stay on the Field

It is early in the gym.
The laughing ladies are here, the trainer is here, poser is here.
My partner shows up.
We chat with the ladies and are summarily dismissed by the trainer, "Don't mess with my clients".
We wander off to another part of the gym as I say, "What do you want to do today, shoulders"?
More a direction than question.
"Sounds good to me", comes the reply and we start.
My lift partner is at least 6 to 8 years younger; I know the day is coming when his age and strength will leave me in the dust but for now, time and tolerance, are on my side.
He has even commented, "I don't think I will catch you because I am not willing to hurt that much".
But I have noticed, of late, he is willing to hurt, a lot.
He is moving fast, to heavier and heavier lift weights, in spite of the aches and pains.
It is getting a little difficult to stay 20 to 30 pound ahead on the big muscle groups and 5 to 10 pounds ahead on the small muscle exercises.
It is just a matter of time and nature but for now he is pushing me to new levels of performance while his muscles are racing to peak performance.
I watched the National Triathlon from Hawaii this past weekend and the competitors ranged in age from 19 to 80 years of age.
The 80 year old was completing his 21st Triathlon.
There was the answer, it isn't about being the best, it is about being able to stay in the game and play with some of the best.
I think I might offer up a leg workout next week and try to go to 600 pounds, I expect he will stay right there or better.
I am looking for him to go to 700.
That will be a test I won't enjoy.

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