Saturday, April 9, 2011

Grow Up

We sent you to Washington to cut the deficit.
We sent you to Washington to stop the slide into mediocrity.
We sent you to Washington to put this country back on course.
We did not send you to shut the government down.
We did not send you to worry about your perks and your benefits.
We did not send you to continue the stupidity of the past.
The Moderates, the Conservatives, the Left or whatever you are called need to hear the American People.
We want smaller Government.
We don't want someone telling us how to live.
We want to decide how and where we worship even if it is a quiet prayer in the classroom.
We want our children to pray if they wish to.
We want to decide how to spend our money.
We do not want to have a group Washington Insiders telling us how to believe, how to live, how to raise our children and how to die.
Pay off the debt.
If you have to, raise taxes.
Simplify the Tax Code.
Help Americans earn the Dream.
It is not worth much if it is "given to them".
If you can't make it better then go home.
I will not hate you for failure but I will despise your limited vision of the Future.
If we can no longer dream of the stars couldn't we at least dream of the Inner Planets.
Dream the dream of America, Freedom, Peace, Innovation, Hard Work, Worship and Hope.
If these values fail to inspire then go home and sit in the corner and sulk.
But don't try to remake America.
America is more a vision, more a hope, more a dream than a place and everyone should be allowed to pursue that dream.

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