Wednesday, April 27, 2011

When Endorphin Tsunamis Crash on Limbic Shores

Sometimes art and exercise conspire to create a unique and powerful inner storm.
Such was the effect tonight in spin class when the song "Shinedown-Second Chance" coincided with a powerful hill climb.
The resistance was turned to "pain" and the tempo, sprint.
It doesn't take a lot of imagination to realize that oxygen debt and lactic acid will soon have the upper hand.
But then something magical happens, at least for me.
I am transported.
The art and the exercise, like reinforcing waves, lift me out of myself.
I am singing, first in my mind, then out loud.
This is something I don't do, even in church during a solemn high mass.
I don't have the voice to sing.
But there it is, I am singing, out loud, unabashed.
A strong wind is swirling in my soul as it expands, ending the pain and closing off the real world.
I am "blind" to the surroundings.
The music enfolds me and I am no longer spinning but instead floating above the fray, Nirvana, I think the Mystics call it.
Unfortunately it ends too soon.
The endorphins finally quell and the Limbic shore is once again baked in the oven of now.
"Lets do it again", says the trainer.
I want you sucking air at the end, not singing".
"You hear that Ken"?
I mentally bow, "Yes Master, Grasshopper has much to learn".
The music starts and I can't help it, the transport is under way.
This time I sing in my mind.
I can do it louder in "hear"  because only I can "here".
Nirvana, still is there.
The endorphins still crash on the Limbic shore.
I hope the trainer goes for number three.
I may just transport out of here forever.
As I go I need to remember to thank her for showing me the portal.

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