Tuesday, November 8, 2011

More About The Core

Are you losing distance on the golf course?
Having trouble standing up from a chair?
Low back pain?
Pants getting too small at the waist?
Ever feel like you are shuffling when you walk?
Afraid of stairs both up and especially down?
These are all possible symptoms of weak core musculature.
The core muscles include the deep stabilizers (transversus abdominus, lumbar multifidus, pelvic floor muscles, diaphragm, internal oblique and tranversopnialis group) and the superficial movers (latissimus dorsi (lats), erector spinae, iliopsoas (hip flexors), hamstrings, hip adductors (inner thigh), hip abductors (gluteus minimus and medius), gluteus maximus, rectus abdominus (6 pack), and the external oblique).
A good core is first stability followed by mobility with the addition of flexibility
There are multiple exercises to improve the core but a trainer can get you there faster than a "Do it yourself program".
Once you have the basics and know how to avoid hurting yourself, then go full bore.
You will first be seen to be old when posture and balance deteriorate.
You will first feel old when bad posture and bad balance become chronic.
There is no age that truly defines old.
Old is best defined by inaction, lassitude and a "shrinking" attitude.

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