Thursday, November 17, 2011

Get Up!

It was really hard getting up this morning.
It wasn't pain although the back was a little stiff, instead I just wanted to stay in bed for another 10 to 12 hours.
At least that was what my body was saying and it had a very convincing argument.
But my mind knew I had promised to meet several people starting with God and I always hate to miss that One.
I am sure He would understand but then again He might not, so I rolled out of bed to begin the day.
The clock was telling me it was 5:20 AM.
After getting ready and putting on exercise clothes I went to my first meeting.
My mind silenced as I awaited the Supreme Instructions and who knows how it will end but I am giving it my best shot, I pray.
Next to the gym to meet with my training partner and my trainer.
Every now and then my mind and my body say, "Go home".
It has gotten louder of late.
It may be the pace, the routine or a little of both
Last night I went to Spin and this morning will train and have a scheduled run followed by a protein shake and a couple of protein bars, some vegetables and a grapefruit.
Tonight I will go to Boot Camp, return home and eat some more vegetables, some form of protein, possibly fish or chicken and after a glass of red wine sink into bed dreaming of a Caribbean tomorrow.
Where is the comfort food, the high calorie, low nutritional density food that never fills you up?
Oh, what the hell, get over it.
I did meet with the trainer and my training partner.
It was a very tough session and my partner at the end could barely get dressed for work as his arms did not want to go over his head.
My arms were actually hot from the increased blood flow as I was getting on my long jogging pants for an outdoor run and facing the cold, 42 degrees, weather.
The wind makes it seem colder but the sun is out.
Once I had reached the site I set my watch, located the satellites and started.
3.7 miles later, 49:14 minutes later, covered in sweat, this run was in the books.
I felt great although breathless but was sad it had ended.
Now I know why I get up.
I got up easy as a seven year old always ready for high adventure.
These days the adventure may not seem as high but it is still there and is ready for the taking if you can just get going.
It really helps to have meetings scheduled especially if He is first because you never want to keep God waiting.

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